Applications and Uses of Pyranometers

Thermopile Pyranometer mounted

About Pyranometers

Solar radiation at Earth's surface is typically defined as total radiation across a wavelength range of 280 to 4000 nm (shortwave radiation). Total solar radiation, direct beam and diffuse, incident on a horizontal surface is defined as global shortwave radiation, or shortwave irradiance (incident radiant flux), and is expressed in Watts per square meter (W m-2).

Pyranometers are sensors that measure global shortwave radiation. Apogee Instruments offers both silicon-cell and black-body thermopile pyranometers. Silicon-cell pyranometers are only sensitive to a portion of the solar spectrum, approximately 360 to 1100 nm (approximately 80 % of total shortwave radiation is within this range).

Typical Applications

Applications include incoming shortwave radiation measurement in:

  • agricultural weather networks
  • ecological weather networks
  • hydrological weather networks
  • solar panel arrays

Payero,J.O., S. Irmak | Irrigation Science
Yllop, M.L., A.M. Anesio | Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology
Marsh, C.B., J.W. Pomeroy, R.J. Spiteri | Hydrological Processes
Kargar Sharif Abad, H., M. Ghaisi, S. Jahangiri Mamouri, M.B. Shafii | Desalination
Hoelscher, M., T. Nehls, B. Janice, G. Wessole | Energy and Buildings
Petrass, L.A., D.M. Twomey, J.T. Harvey | Procedia Engineering
Shin, J.H., J.E. Son | European Journal of Horticultural Science
Caterian, G.L., R.E. Will, D.J. Turton, D.S. Wilson, C.B. Zou | Echohydrology