Case Studies
Featured Case Study:

Incubation Environment that Mimics Coastal Microbiomes
Using an Apogee DLI-600 meter, researchers developed an incubation water bath to accurately monitor coastal microbiome profiles in a laboratory environment.
Aspirated Radiation Shield

Remote Sensing of Stress Events and PRI in Vineyard
Stress events in a vineyard were remotely monitored using an Apogee aspirated shield and humidity probe package and PRI measurements.

Canaan Valley Record Low Temperature
An Apogee aspirated radiation shield measured the lowest official temperature recorded at a research weather station in Canaan Valley, West Virginia National Wildlife Refuge.

Monitoring the Urban Heat Island Effect
Apogee’s aspirated radiation shields and thermistor temperature sensors are used to study the urban heat island effect and how pre-established solutions work to mitigate increasing temperature.

Central Appalachian Summit Mesonet
Apogee Instruments' TS-100 Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield is used in eight remote-access, solar powered weather stations that stream real-time weather data.

Tasmania: Ecological Research
Eight TS-100 shields used to provide air temperature measurements to monitor long-term ecological health dynamics within wet eucalyptus forest at the Warra long-term ecological research site (LTER).

TS-100 at Utah State University
The USU weather station uses both an aspirated and static shield to monitor air temperature. A real-time graph on the site shows errors that occur when using static shields.

TS-100 at Peter Sinks
TS-100 used on a weather station at a record-setting cold location-Peter Sinks, Utah.
Chlorophyll Concentration Meters

Ozone Treatments on Grape Vines
An Apogee chlorophyll concentration meter helped measure the effects of ozone gas on the development of grape vines.

Supplementary LED Light for Out-of-Season Green Beans
In this experiment, an Apogee chlorophyll concentration meter and LED lights were used to see if growing green beans out-of-season would be financially feasible and produce high-quality.

Salinity Sensitivity of Anemone and Ranunculus Flowers
Apogee’s pyranometer, full-spectrum quantum meter, and chlorophyll concentration meter were used to study the salinity sensitivity of anemone and ranunculus flowers.

Far-red Photons on Photosynthesis in Lettuce Canopies
Apogee Instruments’ SS-110, MC-100, and PS-300 are used to study how adding far-red photons affects carbon dioxide and photon absorption in plant canopies.

Basil Performance Evaluation in Aquaponics
An Apogee chlorophyll concentration meter is used to study aquaponic growth of basil in tropical locations.

Estimating Chlorophyll with NDVI
Researchers used Apogee Instruments' NDVI sensors, SP-230, and an MC-100 to determine if NDVI sensors can be used to estimate the relative chlorophyll content of buffaloberry plants.

Fertilizing Pot Grown Crops
Researching the dynamics of nitrogen availability in pot grown crops with organic fertilization
Daily Light Integral Meters

Incubation Environment that Mimics Coastal Microbiomes
Using an Apogee DLI-600 meter, researchers developed an incubation water bath to accurately monitor coastal microbiome profiles in a laboratory environment.
ePAR Sensors

Ecological Impacts of Milkweed Hybrids
Crossbreeding and pollination effects of four milkweed hybrids were tested against native plants using Apogee ePAR sensors.
Guardian CEA Monitors

Influence of Mounting Cable Thickness on Guardian DLI
Apogee tested the effect of different mounting cable thickness on DLI measurements of full spectrum SM-500 Guardian monitors.
Humidity Probes

Remote Sensing of Stress Events and PRI in Vineyard
Stress events in a vineyard were remotely monitored using an Apogee aspirated shield and humidity probe package and PRI measurements.

CO2 Acclimation Levels for Pansy and Petunia
Using Apogee thermistors and humidity probes, researchers tested the CO2 acclimation levels of pansy and petunia flowers.
Infrared Radiometers

Crop Water Stress Index Baselines for Corn and Soybeans
Apogee Instruments’ pyranometers and infrared radiometers are used to determine crop water stress index baselines for corn and soybeans.

Biodiesel from Microorganisms: Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions
Apogee Instruments’ ST-100 and SI-121 are used to study how biodiesel produced from microalgae, yeast, and bacteria compares to plant-based biodiesel and petroleum-derived diesel fuel.

Evapotranspiration Rates in the Arctic Tundra
Apogee Instruments’ SI-111 is used to assist in researching how evapotranspiration rates vary in the Arctic tundra.

Day vs Night Watering in Urban Irrigation Setting
Apogee Instruments' Net Radiometers and Infrared Radiometers are used to test urban crop irrigation in Utah.

Reducing Japanese Beetle in Red Raspberry
Reducing Japanese beetle damage on raspberries with UV-blocking plastic.

Apogee in Space
Apogee Infrared Radiometers were recently used in the International Space Station's Advanced Plant Habitat (APH) project to measure the canopy temperature of dwarf Apogee wheat meant for use in space travel.

Autonomous Vineyard Monitoring Robot
Autonomous vineyard monitoring robots use an Apogee SI-411 to generate temperature maps of the plants in real time.

Crop Yield and Temperature (USDA-ARS)
MI-2H0 infrared radiometer is used by breeders and physiologists as they continue to seek phenotypic and genetic markers that are easy to measure and help predict yield.

High Throughput Field Phenotyping Multi-sensor System
Infrared radiometer measures canopy temperature on a multi-sensor system for high throughput field phenotyping in soybean and wheat breeding.

Weather Information Service Engine Project (WISE)
SI-111 Infrared Radiometers measure building surface temperature as part of Weather Information Service Engine (WISE) Project.

Temperature Free-Air Controlled Enhancement T-FACE
Simulating warmer conditions by applying a heat treatment to open-field plant canopies. Infrared radiometers provide the data and control the heated plot temperatures.

Forecasting Ice Formations
Forecasting ice formation on road surfaces using infrared radiometers on a mobile system.
Aridea Solutions Fever Screening Kit
Apogee Instruments' Infrared Radiometers are used for fever screening during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Oklahoma Mesonet
Measuring the temperature of the interface between the earth's surface and its atmosphere on automated meteorological networks spaced evenly across Oklahoma.
microCache Bluetooth Logger

Slope Correction for Albedo on Inclining Terrain
Using Apogee thermopile pyranometers, microCache logger, and a net radiometer, researchers applied a corrective factor to albedo measurements taken on sloping terrain.

Light Pollution for Cannabis Photoperiod
University of Guelph wrote about their experience using an Apogee quantum light pollution sensor and microCache for measuring cannabis photoperiod.
Radiation Frost Detector

Artificial Frost Formation on Tea
Apogee Instruments' SF-110-SS Leaf and Bud Temperature sensors assist researchers developing an artificial radiation frost chamber to study frost formation on tea plants.

Fruit Grower Network of Radiation Frost Monitoring
Apogee Instruments' SF-110-SS Leaf and Bud Temperature sensors assist orchardists to monitor radiation frost events.
Net Radiometers

Slope Correction for Albedo on Inclining Terrain
Using Apogee thermopile pyranometers, microCache logger, and a net radiometer, researchers applied a corrective factor to albedo measurements taken on sloping terrain.

Increasing Cannabis Economic Yield through Lighting
Four different Apogee Instruments products, ST-100, MQ-500, PS-300, and SN-500-SS, are used in researching how to increase Cannabis economic yield with lighting.

Day vs Night Watering in Urban Irrigation Setting
Apogee Instruments' Net Radiometers and Infrared Radiometers are used to test urban crop irrigation in Utah.

Going to Extremes on Mount Everest
Installing the world's highest weather stations on Mount Everest

Bonneville Salt Flats
Apogee Instruments' SN-500 Net Radiometer is used for a multidisciplinary study at the Bonneville Salt Flats.

Avalanche Forecasting in Alaska
SN-500 net radiometers used at remote locations for energy balance data in SWISS snowpack forecasting.
Oxygen Sensors

Sealing Layer Installations for Mine Waste
Using Apogee oxygen sensors, researchers evaluated using industrial wastes to seal mining waste using observation wells and pits.

Waterlogged Soil on Corn Growth
Apogee soil oxygen sensors measured the oxygen levels of waterlogged soil to understand the effects of excessive moisture on corn development.

A System for Quantifying Biological Oxygen Demand
Apogee Instruments’ SO-110 and AO-003 are used to research changes in respiration in a closed system, as well as best practices for future studies.

Drought Effect on Soil Oxygen
SO-110 oxgyen sensor is used to help characterize soil responses to severe drought.

Soil Oxygen Concentration
Quasi-continuous measurements of bulk soil oxygen concentration in managed and natural ecosystems.

Slope Correction for Albedo on Inclining Terrain
Using Apogee thermopile pyranometers, microCache logger, and a net radiometer, researchers applied a corrective factor to albedo measurements taken on sloping terrain.

Cyanobacterial Blooms in Lake Champlain
Cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Champlain were monitored using an Apogee pyranometer and UV-A sensor.

Salinity Sensitivity of Anemone and Ranunculus Flowers
Apogee’s pyranometer, full-spectrum quantum meter, and chlorophyll concentration meter were used to study the salinity sensitivity of anemone and ranunculus flowers.

Estimating Chlorophyll with NDVI
Researchers used Apogee Instruments' NDVI sensors, SP-230, and an MC-100 to determine if NDVI sensors can be used to estimate the relative chlorophyll content of buffaloberry plants.

Crop Water Stress Index Baselines for Corn and Soybeans
Apogee Instruments’ pyranometers and infrared radiometers are used to determine crop water stress index baselines for corn and soybeans.

Irrigation and Solar Radiation in Orchards
Apogee silicon-cell pyranometers are mounted on model train to collect measurements for irrigation study conducted in an orchard in Spain.

Google's Project Loon
Apogee's SP-230 heated pyranometer was selected to monitor PV panels on Project Loon.

Monitoring PV Panels on Jin Jeop Library
SP-110's are integrated as part of a PV monitoring system for a PV power generation facility on the roof of the Jin Jeop library in Korea.

Solar Power Plants on Lakes and Dams
Studying solar radiation at different angles to determine locations for solar power plants.

Cooling Without Air Conditioning
Creating the first known radiant cooling system the leaves people comfortable in the hot and humid tropics without condensing water.
Quantum Sensors

Light Pollution for Cannabis Photoperiod
University of Guelph wrote about their experience using an Apogee quantum light pollution sensor and microCache for measuring cannabis photoperiod.

Growing Tomatoes in Residential Spaces
Using Apogee full-spectrum quantum meters and a spectroradiometer, this study investigated the growth and productivity of 20 different tomato breeds in greenhouses and residential spaces.

Effects of pH and CO2 on Microalgae
Apogee’s MQ-200X quantum meter helped demonstrate the need for balance between biomass growth, lipid production and CO2 addition in microalgal production.

Improving Coral Shipping Conditions
An Apogee quantum meter measured light irradiance in a study testing how coral survived in different transportation simulations.

Reflective Groundcover on Honeycrisp Apple Color
To understand the effects of reflective groundcovers in orchards using protective netting, Apogee quantum PAR sensors were used to measure light penetration and fruit coloration in bicolored ‘Honeycrisp’ apples.

Salinity Sensitivity of Anemone and Ranunculus Flowers
Apogee’s pyranometer, full-spectrum quantum meter, and chlorophyll concentration meter were used to study the salinity sensitivity of anemone and ranunculus flowers.

Florogenesis in Female Cannabis sativa
Apogee’s full spectrum quantum meter assisted in studying the metabolite profile contained in the inflorescences of female Cannabis.

Studying Staminate Flowers of Seagrass in an Aquarium
An Apogee full-spectrum quantum PAR sensor is utilized in studying male seagrass flowers in a research aquarium in Singapore.

Increasing Cannabis Economic Yield through Lighting
Four different Apogee Instruments products, ST-100, MQ-500, PS-300, and SN-500-SS, are used in researching how to increase Cannabis economic yield with lighting.

Creating an open infrastructure for mesocosm experiments with high frequency sensor monitoring across lakes.

Modelling Algal Species in Kuwait
The Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research uses Apogees' MQ-510 underwater full-spectrum quantum meter to help model algal species. Here is a description Dr. Yousef Alosairi, Research Scientist in the field of numerical modeling of coastal processes, provided about their work:

Cornell Controlled Environmental Agriculture Light Research
Apogee Instruments' SQ-520 Full-Spectrum Quantum Sensor is helping Cornell University conduct research on growing vegetables in greenhouses using electric lighting.

RSMAS Coral Acidification Study
Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) is using Apogees' MQ-510 underwater full-spectrum quantum meter to help study coral acidification. Here is a description Sara Swaminathan provided about their work:

Tivoli Gardens Study
Using Apogee underwater quantum meters to measure light levels in the Tivoli Gardens aquarium exhibition.

PAR Measurements Characterize Tree Coverages
Using line quantum meter to study the percent of PAR (under canopy/open sky) and its relation to survival and initial growth of native forest species.

Controlling Flowering of Orchids in Greenhouse
Line quantum sensor used to measure PPFD and daily light integral, while experimenting with temperature to control flowering.

Growing Tomatoes in Residential Spaces
Using Apogee full-spectrum quantum meters and a spectroradiometer, this study investigated the growth and productivity of 20 different tomato breeds in greenhouses and residential spaces.

Blue and Far-Red Light Affect Vegetative Growth and Pigmentation in Lettuce
Apogee temperature sensors and a field spectroradiometer were used to study the effects of blue and far-red photons on lettuce growth and pigmentation.

Far-red Photons on Photosynthesis in Lettuce Canopies
Apogee Instruments’ SS-110, MC-100, and PS-300 are used to study how adding far-red photons affects carbon dioxide and photon absorption in plant canopies.

Increasing Cannabis Economic Yield through Lighting
Four different Apogee Instruments products, ST-100, MQ-500, PS-300, and SN-500-SS, are used in researching how to increase Cannabis economic yield with lighting.

Reducing Japanese Beetle in Red Raspberry
Reducing Japanese beetle damage on raspberries with UV-blocking plastic.

Supplemental Far-red Light Research of Foxglove Seedlings
Determining the effect of far-red light on Foxglove Seedlings.

Reflectance Measurements in Cotton Fields
Estimating defoliation of cotton using reflectance data.

Output of LED and Traditional Lamps
PS-100 used to examine the output of several LED lamps and traditional lamps.
Temperature Sensors

CO2 Acclimation Levels for Pansy and Petunia
Using Apogee thermistors and humidity probes, researchers tested the CO2 acclimation levels of pansy and petunia flowers.

Blue and Far-Red Light Affect Vegetative Growth and Pigmentation in Lettuce
Apogee temperature sensors and a field spectroradiometer were used to study the effects of blue and far-red photons on lettuce growth and pigmentation.

Biodiesel from Microorganisms: Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions
Apogee Instruments’ ST-100 and SI-121 are used to study how biodiesel produced from microalgae, yeast, and bacteria compares to plant-based biodiesel and petroleum-derived diesel fuel.

Increasing Cannabis Economic Yield through Lighting
Four different Apogee Instruments products, ST-100, MQ-500, PS-300, and SN-500-SS, are used in researching how to increase Cannabis economic yield with lighting.

Development of Petunia
Hastening the development of petunia under a lower air temperature with bench-top root-zone heating.
Photometric Sensors
Ultraviolet Sensors

Cyanobacterial Blooms in Lake Champlain
Cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Champlain were monitored using an Apogee pyranometer and UV-A sensor.
NDVI and PRI Sensors

Estimating Chlorophyll with NDVI
Researchers used Apogee Instruments' NDVI sensors, SP-230, and an MC-100 to determine if NDVI sensors can be used to estimate the relative chlorophyll content of buffaloberry plants.